Understanding the Foundations of Artificial Intelligence: Data, Math and Machine Learning

Nursing and Informatics for the 21st Century – Embracing a Digital World, 3rd Edition
Book 3:  Innovation, Technology, and Applied Informatics for Nurses

2022 Productivity Press: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003281016

Chapter 6

Authors: Tracie Risling

Artificial intelligence is influencing significant societal change around the world with healthcare as one of the key focal points of this technological evolution. There is little doubt that artificial intelligence including the subfields of machine- and deep learning will forever change health systems. This transformation will span the full continuum of care and delivery including all areas of nursing practice. Are nurses prepared to participate in this future? Understanding the basic building blocks that contribute to the complexity of artificial intelligence is an essential first step. In order for nurses to be able to monitor, advocate and collaborate on the integration of artificial intelligence into healthcare systems, we must increase our professional knowledge of this technology. This chapter provides a foundational overview of the key aspects of artificial intelligence, beginning with the crucial role of data, transitioning to a discussion of machine learning and finally reviewing the current use of artificial intelligence in healthcare as an urgent call for nurses to be proactive in ensuring the profession is well positioned for the future.