Envisioning Digital Health and Nursing's Call to Lead Unparalleled Transformation of Person-centered, Connected and Accessible Care

Nursing and Informatics for the 21st Century – Embracing a Digital World, 3rd Edition
Book 4:  Nursing in an Integrated Digital World that Supports People, Systems, and the Planet

2022 Productivity Press: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003281047

Chapter 11

Authors:  Connie White Delaney, Charlotte A. Weaver, Joyce Sensmeier, Lisiane Pruinelli, Patrick Weber

Since the planning for this third edition of Nursing and Informatics for the 21st Century four-book series began in late 2019, numerous earth-moving,
sea-changing events have occurred. A perusal of these four books captures a sense of these seismic changes, creates a foundation for reflection and
invites us to dare to commit to bold transformation of advancing the health of people, societies and the planet.